Fortune’s Path: the Blog
Our collection of ideas and tools for building great products and leading a life founded on love. Because the best way to get rich is to help others.
David Ells: xAPI and How to Create a New Tech Standard
In this podcast, David Ells, managing director of Open LMS, discusses his journey in online learning technology, touching on the creation of new standards like the Experience API (xAPI), which tracks comprehensive learning experiences beyond just course completions.
JJ Rosen on Being In The Right Market at the Right Time
JJ Rosen is the founder of Atiba, an end to end technology services company with a 30 year history of serving clients of all shapes and sizes. A native Nashvillian, JJ talks about his childhood summers as a roadie with his Dad, how his obsession with computers began, and how being in the right market at the right time can mean you don't have to advertise your business.
Eve Eden on Designing for Accessibility, Anticipating Technological Development and The Keys to Product Led Growth
Eve Eden, found of Eve UX, believes proper product design is the key to product-led-growth. In this episode of the Fortune's Path Podcast we chat with Eve about her expertise in design and thoughts on the slow shift from physical to digital technologies, designing products for every degree of ability and the natural kindness, thoughtfulness and patience she finds in Nashville. She also shares invaluable must-hear hints for UX design best practices.
Jake Levirne On How to Use AI and The Internet the Right Way, How It Affects Our Psyche and How to Use New Tools Ethically.
With AI changing the landscape of software development, expert computer scientist and 20 year veteran product manager Jake Levirne offers a look into the future of software development and how it will change on the product and human level. Jake’s special blend of expertise and virtue led to his new venture Duckie.Foo, a platform teaching up-and-coming software developers the trade without internet troll scorn. Jake also teaches us some basic AI terminology to improve software literacy, part of his larger, honorable mission to prevent the bounty of AI innovation from remaining in the hands of the wealthy.
An Introduction to Collaborating with AI in Creative Work
AI isn’t here to take your job (yet!) but it can help you do your job and enhance your x-factor as a creator. Today, we walk you through a multi step process that will inspire you to bring new AI tools into your creative process.
Beth Antony: Navigating a Better Way Through the College Application Process
Entirely by word of mouth, educator and college counseling professional Beth Antony has built a successful business based on a simple truth: there is a better way to navigate the college application process. Her better way applies not just to kids applying to colleges, but to anyone who's trying to find their place, including businesses that are trying to find their market. Beth’s dedication to both her pro bono and for-profit clients is inspiring and uplifting.
Why “Authenticity” Is A Useless Business Virtue, and How Accountability Is The Key To Customer Love and Loyalty
By tracing the evolution of the concept of “authenticity,” we uncover its ambiguous, fickle definition and argue it is a useless virtue. Virtues should offer tangible standards with which to measure ourselves, which is why we emphasize accountability and community as virtues to strive for in order to show your customers love and build their loyalty.
Sloane Scott: On Being a Self-Pay Patient and How to Create Shareholder Value
Sloane Scott has an amazing personal story. Along with being a 3x ovarian cancer survivor, she has led multiple health tech companies to successful exits as a strategic leader and communicator. She discusses navigating her cancer journey with no health insurance and, as a successful business leader, discusses how to create shareholder value. She lays out in a detailed and practical way how to navigate safe pay as a patient.
Currently the Chief Marketing Officer at Collette Health, she's seen healthcare from a business and patient perspective, and has lots of valuable insights to share on both.
How to Keep Product Managers from Going Extinct: Thoughts on Marty Cagan’s Transformed
In his recent book “Transformed” Marty Cagan believes that product management can be at the center of business transformation, which here means the process of becoming a better, more innovative, and therefore more successful company. I agree, but not for the reasons Marty outlines. Successful business transformations are when principle drives behavior, not processes or checklists. While his thesis is spot-on, there are more practical, workable ways to bring about business transformation.
Jason Moore: Selling SaaS into Healthcare
Entrepreneur and successful tech founder Jason Moore discusses his experience in selling SaaS into healthcare and offers advice for those starting down that road. He emphasizes the importance of patience in SaaS sales, particularly in the healthcare industry where decision-making can be slow.