To get where you want to go, you have to understand where you are.
Diagnose the health of your GTM organization.
Before you invest, get an unbiased picture of the state of your go-to-market organization.

Product & Leadership Assessments
Use our product and leadership assessments to find your fortune.
Fortune’s Path has identified four styles of leadership: the finder, the maker, the delegator, and the decider. Most folks use a combination of styles, but one or two tend to dominate. What’s your leadership style? Take our assessment and find out.
Should you be a product manager?
Not everyone is cut out to succeed and be happy in the role of product manager. Take advantage of our experience finding and growing great product managers with this quick assessment of your fitness for the role.
Do you love your customers?
Loving your customers is the foundation for building a virtuous monopoly, and it’s the key to differentiation. Find out how well you love your customers and what you need to do to improve with our Love Score Calculator.
How healthy is your product culture?
No business has a culture. Every business is a culture. How healthy is your company’s product culture? Take this simple assessment to see how you stack up against some of the best.
Four Styles of Leadership
Enjoys research & learning
Collects things & ideas
Starts tasks by gathering information
Well-Known Finders
Bill Gates
Charles Darwin
Jane Goodall
Barack Obama
Dives head-first into tasks
Learns by doing
Comfortable with working alone
Well-Known Makers
Martha Stewart
Benjamin Franklin
Jack Dorsey
Gets things done through other people
First instinct is to think of who is right for the job
Comfortable collaborating with leadership & subordinates
Well-Known Delegators
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Ronald Reagan
Richard Branson
Likes being in control
Enjoys reviewing options
First instinct when given a task may be to redefine the task
Well-Known Deciders
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Oprah Winfrey