Fortune’s Path: the Blog
Our collection of ideas and tools for building great products and leading a life founded on love. Because the best way to get rich is to help others.
Jake Levirne On How to Use AI and The Internet the Right Way, How It Affects Our Psyche and How to Use New Tools Ethically.
With AI changing the landscape of software development, expert computer scientist and 20 year veteran product manager Jake Levirne offers a look into the future of software development and how it will change on the product and human level. Jake’s special blend of expertise and virtue led to his new venture Duckie.Foo, a platform teaching up-and-coming software developers the trade without internet troll scorn. Jake also teaches us some basic AI terminology to improve software literacy, part of his larger, honorable mission to prevent the bounty of AI innovation from remaining in the hands of the wealthy.
How to Keep Product Managers from Going Extinct: Thoughts on Marty Cagan’s Transformed
In his recent book “Transformed” Marty Cagan believes that product management can be at the center of business transformation, which here means the process of becoming a better, more innovative, and therefore more successful company. I agree, but not for the reasons Marty outlines. Successful business transformations are when principle drives behavior, not processes or checklists. While his thesis is spot-on, there are more practical, workable ways to bring about business transformation.
Leadership Styles in Product Management
Over years of working with a range of tech leaders from all walks of life, Fortune’s Path has identified four leadership styles: the Finder, the Maker, the Delegator and the Decider. Most people use a combination of styles, but one or two tend to dominate. We take a closer look at each one.
The 90 Day Product Management Roadmap: Days 61-90
Previous posts examined building a successful first 30, then 60 days in a new product management role. Now that you’ve reached the end of the beginning, focus on team communication, the PM punch list, and curious conversations.
Fireside Chat: Product Management Inspiration
Where do you get your inspiration for your role in product management? That’s what Fortune’s Path founder Tom Noser discusses in his inaugural Fireside Chat.
The 90 Day Product Leadership Roadmap: Days 31-60
For a product manager or product executive 30 days into their new job, you’re getting more comfortable. But keep going: there’s still a long way to go. To further your product leader career path, here’s what to focus on in days 31-60.
Chris Boyd: How Incentives Can Help Address Construction Industry Labor Shortages
Tom talks with Chris Boyd, formerly of Built Technologies and now at Trunk Tools, a construction fintech startup. Chris wants to help solve the skilled labor shortage by aligning incentives from top to bottom.
Your First 30 Days in Product Management
Whether you’re a product lead at a fast-growing startup or a getting started with an established enterprise, the first 90 days are go-time to make an impact and secure your reputation as a can-do leader. Here’s your roadmap for the first 30 days.
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome in Product Management
As product managers progress in their careers, they often struggle with imposter syndrome. How to overcome this limitation, and build towards success, requires self-awareness, patience, and equal doses of generosity and empathy. Here’s how.
Andrew Kerr: Building Software is Like Making a Movie
Tom talks with Andrew Kerr, CEO and Managing Partner at FortyAU, a technology consultancy in Nashville that builds innovative software for some of the world's largest companies. Andrew talks about balancing quality and speed in the software development process, why many software projects fail, and how a bad rollout can kill the best software, on this episode of the Fortune's Path podcast.