Fireside Chat: Product Management Inspiration

In the first of his fireside chats, founder Tom Noser talks about inspiration for product management today.


0:00 In the first of our Fireside Chats with Tom video series, we talk about inspiration for product management today. Our fire is not lit because I don't have any inspiration.

0:10 It's kind of gray out, but it's always your responsibility, my responsibility to keep ourselves inspired.

0:17 If you're thinking that you're going to get your inspiration from your boss or from your customers or from your coworkers, you're probably going to be disappointed.

0:24 So you want to have on hand or in mind a list of things that make you happy.

0:29 That get you jazzed about your job. Those things don't have to be business books, business books for the most part are terrible —except mine.

0:39 You can read philosophy.

0:41 Philosophy is super helpful and I highly recommend that you look at some of the ancients.

0:48 Plato is one of my favorites.

0:49 I'm reading the Republic right now.

0:50 So it's probably too much to say he's a favorite.

0:52 It's my first time reading him.

0:54 It's very dense and so you can read just a few lines and then fall asleep, which is also very inspiring.


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